We recently published a profile of Amazon Smile, the program through which Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchases to the charity of your choice. At the time we published that article, Amazon Smile was only supported through the Amazon website, not through its mobile apps.
Since then, Amazon has integrated the Amazon Smile program into its Android app! After you go through these setup instructions, every Amazon purchase you make in the Amazon Shopping mobile app will generate a donation to the charity you have linked to your account.
The way you set up Amazon Smile on your phone is pretty easy, especially if you have already set up your Amazon Smile profile on the Amazon website. You can follow Amazon’s instructions at this link: https://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=15576745011
First, make sure you have the most recent version of Amazon Shopping from Google Play. Then, inside the app, open the sidebar menu, and you will now see an AmazonSmile link under Settings. Follow the steps the app provides to link your charity, and you’re done!

After you set up AmazonSmile inside your app, you will be able to go back to Settings > AmazonSmile and see your total generated donations for your charity, how much your charity has earned from Amazon Smile in total, and all the other data points we mentioned in our previous article.
What’s great about this new mobile feature is you get to set it once and forget it. On the web, you had to always remember to go to smile.amazon.com instead of amazon.com to make your purchase generate a donation. In the mobile app, after you set up Amazon Smile, every purchase will automatically generate a donation. In fact, the Amazon logo in your app’s navigation bar will transform into the Amazon Smile logo, indicating that your app is permanently in “Amazon Smile mode.” Just in case we needed any more incentive to shop on our phones!
Currently, Amazon Smile is only integrated into the Android version of the Amazon Shopping app. When it becomes supported in the iOS app, we will let you know!