In our quest to find the cheapest item at Harbor Freight to buy with our “Free with Any Purchase” coupons, we once scoured the store’s shelves (as well as the Internet) and deduced the winner to be the 59-cent Color Snap Blade Utility Knife. Harbor Freight fans on Reddit seemed to confirm the same, and the store itself seemed to imply as much by keeping a bin of these box cutters by every cash register, presumably to make the trip easier for their coupon-loving fanbase.
Times have changed since we published that post. Sadly, we haven’t seen many “Free with Any Purchase” coupons in our Harbor Freight emails or catalogs this year, perhaps due to tightening in the economic wake of the coronavirus. And perhaps on a related note, the Color Snap Blade Utility Knife has had its price raised slightly to 69 cents.
But in case times get better and Harbor Freight once again sends out those beloved “Free with Any Purchase” coupons for free batteries, flashlights, and other handy items, we want to make sure our readers are prepared to get the best deals possible.
During one of our evening readings of the Harbor Freight catalog, we noticed an item listed at a retail price even cheaper than to 59/69-cent Color Snap Blade Utility Knife. We could hardly believe our eyes. We had to venture to our local Harbor Freight store to be sure.
And sure enough, there is an item at Harbor Freight listed at only 55 cents – the 1-Inch Chip Brush.
These small one-inch paintbrushes by Krause & Becker get great reviews from painters and craftsmen in the comments section on Harbor Freight’s website. Apparently, they work well for a variety of projects and applications. One reviewer even mentioned that he prefers Harbor Freight’s brushes to the comparable ones at Home Depot that cost twice as much at over a dollar each.
And if you need a slightly bigger 2-Inch Chip Brush, they only cost 64 cents – still cheaper than the 69-cent Color Snap Blade Utility Knife.
So in case we ever see those wonderful “Free with Any Purchase” coupons come back into our lives, remember these cheap little chip brushes if you can’t think of anything else you need from Harbor Freight. After all, it’s always a good idea to keep a few extra paintbrushes in your toolbox for a future project.